Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Hello everyone! Sorry it has been so long since I last updated. We finally have INTERNET at my parent's house! Woot woot! I have quite a bit to update. Well, I don't know if it's quite a bit, but it has at least been a while. First off, I am officially divorced. It was final the end of February and was a great relief to have that battle over. Now on to new and crazier battles, right? Yep. But our life is great! Logan is growing so stinking fast I can't even stand it! She talks like she's 14 and is diva of all the world. She makes me laugh NON stop! The things she comes up with are so creative and crazy that I can't help but die laughing, and sometimes even crying. Like today, I was getting ready to walk out the door to go to school and she hung on my legs and cried, "No, Mommy, no leave me, palease.....!!!" It was so stinking tender! That was a cry moment. I can't help myself, I LOVE LOVE LOVE her! The Lord has blessed me with so much for which I am so grateful. My family has been a huge rock of support and encouragement. I don't know where I would be without the Gospel or my family. My entire family. Even though I haven't seen a lot of my extended family through this process, I have felt their prayers and support. It's been amazing. With all the bumps in the road the last 3 years, my life has remained oddly stable. I have always had a place to go when I needed it. I have always had people who love Logan and are willing to help in ANY way needed. We have never not had a place to be or go for support. People don't mind if I scream or have been a little crazy at times. They seem to understand. Even when I, myself, don't understand what is going on. I have learned so much about life and Heavenly Father these past few months. He loves all of us. We are all His children and there isn't one thing He won't help us with. He has carried my feet through so much mud and helped me so I haven't had to feel so much of the pain associated with a lot of muddy stuff that has been thrown my way. The Lord truly does not give us anything we are not able to handle. Well, sometimes He has to figure out what we can handle first... :) This certainly has been something I never expected to have to handle. I often asked myself if it was something I was up to or if it really was going to kill me. I never knew from day to day what to expect. The Atonement is real and it is for everybody. That has been a hard lesson for me to accept. The Atonement has softened my heart in ways I didn't realize it had been hardened. It's amazing the affect that it can have on people if we will apply it to our lives. The days that I have the hardest times and want to curl up in a ball and cry myself to sleep are the days I oddly find myself focusing more on the Atonement and what exactly it means to MY life. How I need to repent of things that I have done and make MY life more holy and worthy of the blessings He sends me everyday. He unconditionally blesses us. No matter what. I love the Gospel and the influence it has on my life and the life of my daughter. Anyway, I had better get to bed. More updates and hopefully pictures soon!!! Night!


  1. What a beautiful post. Thank you for sharing. I'm glad things are going better. Love ya! :)

  2. I am so glad to hear you are doing well. Thanks for keeping us all updated on your life. And thank you for sharing your beautiful testimony. You are such an example to me. Can't wait to see new pictures of Logan!

  3. Jenn, I LOVE your testimony! I am very proud of you girl =)

